News release

What do you think about risks?

17 January 2019

One of the most important tasks of the pension fund board is to monitor the risks we can face. Earlier this year we conducted a survey to understand how IFF staff view the risks that the pension fund takes. A total of 270 people responded.

Did you take part in the survey? Are you interested in the result? The two most important questions we asked were:

Who do you think should be responsible for deciding the risks we take?

The choice was between the pension fund board, all of us together or no opinion. The majority replied that it was ‘the pension fund board’ (74%).

What risk do you want the pension fund to take?

The majority chose greater certainty (82%) rather than greater risk (12%).

The pension fund board can now use this information to help determine the risk policy. We would like to thank everyone who took part in the survey!